Shot in the Swiss Alps and Kiev (sept.2021), featuring TOYOTA winter sports athletes Janine Flock (Austria), Rasmus V. Johansen (DEN) and Sebbe de Buck (Belgium), produced by Stink Tokyo, Agency: DENTSU Inc.
Shot by Frauke Fischer@Cosmopola GmbH in 4 different cities: Seattle, London, Madrid and Hangzhou (Liu Yifei-shoot). The shoots in Seattle with Megan Rapinoe and Liu Yifei in Hangzhou were entirelly “remote”, neither agency nor us attending the shoots. It was a completely new experience to all of us, Art Director Hirofumi Isoya, Frauke and the local photographers.

new global brand campaign
featuring: Megan Rapinoe, Hikaru Utada, Ursula Corbero, Liu Yifei
In the middle of the Pandemic, this campaign was produced ‘remotely’, with our Japanese partners directing & supervising from Japan
Agency: Dentsu / Creative Director: Toshihiko Tanabe & Hiroshi Akinaga / Dir.: Matthias Freier / Production company: REJELL GmbH / Associate Producer (remote styling/make-up coordination) : Kiyoshi Runze (momonga)
Service Productions: Lubell House LLC (Seattle), radical media (London), Nouri film (Madrid), Justin Liu (Hangzhou)
TOYOTA athlete portraits on instagram
From nov.2019~april 2021, Momonga produced 8 portraits on Olympians & Paralympians.
Released in June 2021 / prior to the Olympic games in Tokyo.
Agency: Dentsu / Creative directors: Yukio Hashiguchi / Ryuta Kimura
Production companies: Dentsu Creative X & Dentsu live, Scene
▷Santiago & Cecilila, sailing / location: Buenos Aires /// service prod.: Guerilla Fixer
▷Tyrone Pillay, shot put / location: Durban, South Africa /// service prod.: The network
▷Nguyen Thanh Trung, Para swimming / location: Can Tho, Vietnam /// service prod.: Club house
▷Martin de la Puente, wheel chair tennis / location: Vigo, Spain /// service prod.:b-mount
▷Alexis Hanquinquant, Para Triathlon / location: Yvetot, France /// service prod.: Lampe-Toko Nakagawa
▷Ahmad Almutairi, wheel chair racing / location: Kuwait /// service prod.: Romeo production
Remote shoot in France (feb.2021)
Remote shoot in France (march 2021)
ASICS METASPEED™️ EDGE Remote film & foto-shoot in Frankfurt Feb. 2021
Speedy & compact remote solution with ATEM Mini Pro switch board by Blackmagic Design! We shared the stream on zoom with client, agency & production company all joining from Tokyo while shooting. Edit-Music-Grading were all done remotely with great talents from Berlin.

機動性&スピードを優先。DITのパソコンが、Blackmagic Designのスィッチポードをウィットネスカメラとして認知し、そのストリーミングをズームの会議にリンク付けして、撮影&日本サイドとの 連絡&確認業務をMomongaで ハンドリング。
クライアント、代理店、TYOの制作チームが全員そこに参加し、意外とシンプル&フラットな関係性で、制作絡みすべてこのプラットフォームで完結。通常、You tuberが使用する機材。垣根がどんどんなくなるということですよね。

Dear Glenn YAMAHA’s AI music project wins silver at Cannes Lions 2021 (innovation category)
Linz, Austria / Sept.2019. Momonga produced the concert film with Engine Film/Tokyo collaborating with DENTSU, IBM and ARS ELECTRONICA.
D Kenta Suzuki / DP Max Hammel (Infamous) & Ferdinand Köster
Client: Yamaha Corporation
Agency: Dentsu / Creative Director: Toshihiko Tanabe / Art Director: Hirofumi Isoya & Seri Tanaka / Agency Producer : Aiko Kurikawa
Production: Engine Film / Producers: Hiroshi Jingu / Makoto Sometani
Please find below the film, produced by Engine Film & Mt.Melvil, followed by the concert film (production: Engine Film & Momonga)
Commercial shoot at the MMC studios in Cologne, April 2019
I supported the local service production part done by REJELL on behalf of Filmreaktor and Japanese production company TYO.
CM撮影・ケルンのMMCスタジオにて。TOYOTA / Start your impossibleのオーストラリア撮影でお願いした現地プロダクションFilmreaktorからの仕事で、REJELLがドイツでのサービスプロダクションを務めた。
Dir.: Kensaku Kakimoto
amazon prime japan
Shoot in Paris & Tours, may 2019
7-days shoot with Lamp studio (Paris) & Momonga for YD creation / Pipeline Productions (Tokyo). We shot the main sequences at the Château de Villiers, 45 min. from Paris.
YD Creation(吉本興業グループ&電通グループ)/ Pipeline Productionsのお仕事
Lamp studioと組んで、実現しました。
Momonga sports.
broadcast & production jobs in sports
・News and live broadcast – producer at major sports events on behalf of Nippon TV and NHK
・Beijing Olympics 2008, London Olympics 2012, Rio Olympics 2016, Pyong Chang Olympic Winter Games 2018, FIFA World Cup 2018, Olympic Games Tokyo 2020
・UEFA Champions league 2012-2018, unilateral coverage of semi-finals and finals
・Coordinated broadcaster operations for FIFA World – Cup 2010, 2014 and Europa Cup 2012 (Ukraine), Europa Cup 2016 (France) on behalf of the FIFA production branch HBS
・Producing portraits on athletes and teams in close relations with federations and athletes’ management companies, as well as TV networks