From nov.2019~april 2021, Momonga produced 8 portraits on Olympians & Paralympians.
Released in June 2021 / prior to the Olympic games in Tokyo.
Agency: Dentsu / Creative directors: Yukio Hashiguchi / Ryuta Kimura
Production companies: Dentsu Creative X & Dentsu live, Scene
▷Santiago & Cecilila, sailing / location: Buenos Aires /// service prod.: Guerilla Fixer
▷Tyrone Pillay, shot put / location: Durban, South Africa /// service prod.: The network
▷Nguyen Thanh Trung, Para swimming / location: Can Tho, Vietnam /// service prod.: Club house
▷Martin de la Puente, wheel chair tennis / location: Vigo, Spain /// service prod.:b-mount
▷Alexis Hanquinquant, Para Triathlon / location: Yvetot, France /// service prod.: Lampe-Toko Nakagawa
▷Ahmad Almutairi, wheel chair racing / location: Kuwait /// service prod.: Romeo production
Remote shoot in France (feb.2021)
Remote shoot in France (march 2021)